Standing On The Rock

(John Dillon)
Time Warp, 2001




I been standin' on the rock, waitin' for the wind to blow

I been standin' on the rock, waitin' for the wind to blow

I been standin' on the rock, waitin' for my seeds to grow


I been walkin' on the ground, waitin' for the guns to quit

I been walkin' on the ground, waitin' for the guns to quit

I been walkin' on the ground, waitin' for the pieces to fit

HARP SOLO (1 Harp)

HARP SOLO (2 Harps)

HARP SOLO (3 Harps)


better get back to the country, look around and find you a home

better get back to the country, look around and find you a home

better get back to the country, that's where we all come from


I been standin' on the rock, waitin' for the wind to blow

I been standin' on the rock, waitin' for the wind to blow

I been standin' on the rock, waitin' for my seeds to grow (whew!)

I been standin' on the rock, waitin' for my seeds to grow

I been standin' on the rock, waitin' for my seeds to grow


Lyrics are copyright 1973?, John Dillon


Created 20 January 2003
Updated 20 January 2003

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