Spaceship Orion

(Larry Lee)
Time Warp, 2001




when the man comes to you

tells you what you always knew was comin'

you feel it came twice as fast

you always thought the world would last way past you

but now you find it's time

'cause there's nothin' left around you

spaceship orion's there waiting to part the air above you


waiting to take you

waiting to place you

in a world exactly different

from the one you leave behind

if you find it man you're lucky

but it still won't be the same

if can't be like home

it can't feel like home

to you there

it can't be like home

it can't feel like home

to you there

if can't be like home

it can't feel like home

to you there


Lyrics are copyright 1973?, Larry Lee


Created 20 January 2003
Updated 20 January 2003

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