It Probably Always Will

(Michael Granda)
Time Warp, 2001




I've got a mountain of dreams to climb

'fore I get to that house on the hill

that keeps the lady of my morning

in a brown earthen pot on the sill

of the window that looks out

across the valley, probably always will


I'll make sure no one is watching me

like ev'ry good and successful thief

and maybe tomorrow when the sun goes down

I'll have put an end to this grief

by giving myself a potted plant

and a rainbow, calling it a wreath


she's the energy that runs my day

and the first star out at night

by God, I'm gonna climb that hill

if it takes, ev'ry bit of my my might


in the morning the early summer breezes call

me away from my warm sleeping bed

and fill me up with expectations

of filling this hole in my head

that was left long ago

somewhere in my lifetime, left me feeling dead


she's the energy that runs my day

and the first star out at night

by God, I'm gonna climb that hill

if it takes, ev'ry bit of my might


I've got a mountain of dreams to climb

'fore I get to that house on the hill

that keeps the lady of my morning

in a brown earthen pot on the sill

of the window that looks out

across the valley, probably always will



Lyrics are copyright 1974, 1975, Michael Granda


Created 20 January 2003
Updated 20 January 2003

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